Tuesday, May 17, 2011


In the last episode of "What AJ Tries to Pass Off As Her Life," our hero had just completed all classes of her "junimore" year and was preparing for finals, the end of the semester, and summer school. How did this fadge? Let's find out.

Finals went super well. Like insanely so. I made that political psychology exam my bitch. I will be shocked if I don't get an A. And this is coming from an anorexic perfectionist who is always her own worst critic. The others caused me less anxiety leading up to them -- I directed the gravedigger scene from "Hamlet" for my Movement final (our finals were group scenes, self-selected under a very specific set of parameters, and the professor said that if there weren't enough parts in our scene for everyone we could have a director/costume designer/etc.). I hate directing; I don't want to do it as a career ever at all in a million years if it was the last job on earth, but acting takes a lot of precious energy, the which I was trying to apportion out in appropriate measures for each final. Extra acting would mean less energy spent on other finals, and if I could get just as good a grade (if not better) for much less effort, well then, why the hell not? So Movement went well, too. For Voice, I recited what's probably my favourite poem, "The Raven," which I've known from memory since seventh grade, and that was all quite nice, and for Acting I performed a scene from "Measure for Measure." I was quite happy with how it felt. My two other finals were both wickedly easy. All good. And tomorrow... I start summer semester!

Okay, so it's not *that* exciting since I'm only taking one class this summer. But let me explain why I dig the situation.

I may have mentioned before how I find summer school the ideal vacation. See, I have this dirty little secret: I actually really enjoy general education requirements. So much so that I hate taking them during the school year because I never have time to sink my teeth into them. GEs are a joke; something to push aside and not spend any time on. The information doesn't get retained past the final, if at all. People aim for a C minus and get the entire matter out of their hair.

I have never been one for any of that. A hardcore dilettante, I revel in the acquisition of any type of knowledge (one exception: visual arts. STOP PRETENDING TO MATTER, PAINTINGS). So I get crazy jazzed about being able to devote my entire semester to one or two "throwaway" classes. Last year, as you may recall, it was a class on ethical theory, followed by cultural diversity and the law, with a bit of jazz dance dabbled in. I loved it loved it loved it. Even the stress of final assignments and all that. I always need some stress. My sister calls it my "Sherlock Holmes Complex." Give me chaos, or I will create it for myself. (The times when I've either relapsed or gotten worse in my ED have ever and only been when I've wanted for cognitive stimulation.) Do not send me back to my parents to do nothing for three months after rehab. Do not go easy on me my first semester back in. Do not deprive me of a challenge. Make me work. Give me projects. Give me puzzles. My mind rebels at stagnation.

So this summer, I'm taking an anthro GE called "The Origins of Humanity." From looking over the syllabus and required reading, I think it's a lot of stuff about monkeys. I can dig monkeys.

More updates on other topics are eminent.

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